Saturday 9 November 2013

:: Google - much more than a Search Engine::

9 out of 10 individuals who use Google search engine don't know about these things:-
These are some of hidden secrets of Google which should be known. 80% of people use Google only to check whether their internet connection is working or not. Yes so the traffic is on this search engine is not a big issue. Moreover many number of servers in a huge provide the required browsing speed to the page crawlers to search for the keyword that is typed inside the magic box.

Here they are......

"Do a Barrel Roll"
Just type the above words in Google search engine, press enter then  see the magic. Type these word in your pc web-browser in Shocking Na --- You can roll your google home page to one end. This is a fun reference from a video game Star Fox.

Track a Flight
If you want to know the status of your flight or any scheduled flight then follow this:-To track them you have to write the flight name in Google's search box. By doing this you would be easily get to know the departure time, estimated time of arrival, present state and all. So now you don't have to frequently visit the flight websites to check it.

Play game on YouTube
Ya you heard correctly, play in YouTube. Visit Youtube pick randomly any video. And simply type 1980. This will automatically bring up a missile defense game where you will have to protect your video from an impending attack! Fail, and your video will crack apart. This is the perfect way to kill time while waiting for your video to buffer.

Search faces only
Well sometimes you might be interested to search for faces. Like most searched celebrity of all time Katrina Kaif. When you search her name for pics related to her, you get unwanted images also like the hurricane Katrina (quiet natural ) as its a search engine. To get perfect search results follow this:- click search tools, hit "Type", and select the "Face" option to narrow your results to exactly what you're looking for. It works for images with .gifs extensions too! Just choose the "Animated" option.

Use Google as a Proxy
If your school or office (or my college) prevents you from visiting certain legal (illegal also) sites, show them your smartness by typing this in your searchbox "" into the search box and avoid the block. It's that easy.

Reform your Gmail username with dots in between letters
You can fool your mates who ask you for your Gmail address by just introducing dots anywhere in between the letters or anywhere in your username  Because Gmail doesn't recognize dots as characters, messages sent to and will all go to the same place!

Google time travel
Like you have timeline in your facebook account then what about Google? Would it be behind? To celebrate Google's 15th birthday in September it released an Easter-Egg to let you see what Google used to look like when it was first created. If you google 'Google in 1998' the search engine travels back in time to give you a glimpse of its pre-millennium look.

you can find Doodles of all time on this link:

Here are some other Easter-Egg and doodles that could be amazing for simply time-pass simply check them out just type them in search box then click on i'm feeling lucky

google ninja
google goth
google pirate
google heart
google emo
google us government
google ultimate
google god
google brain
ewmew fudd
google purple
google loco
google moon
google search in colour

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